Hope and policy through these long

"It has always been my fervent

years, to maintain peace and harmony.

It is my earnest prayer that you will

follow these footsteps

which I have made for you."

- chief Washakie -

man in white and black shirt

What we’re all about…

"Aboriginal Digital, is dedicated to revolutionizing the digital marketing landscape in Wyoming by integrating cutting-edge technologies with a deep respect for the environment and our cultural heritage.

Our mission is to empower small to medium sized businesses with innovative, sustainable digital marketing solutions that drive growth and success.

We are a proud Native American-owned enterprise on the Wind River Reservation.

Our commitment to the Eastern Shoshone community is matched by how hard we strive to foster opportunities, economic development, and a better way of life for our people.

Through our work, we aim to create a future where technology, environmental stewardship, and cultural integrity coexist in harmony, contributing positively to our community and the world at large.”

(You know what to do!)

Destiny waits for NO ONE!

Call us!!


#2-Respect Sogo biyah (Mother Earth)

#1-Respect creator

Dahma Apeh (Creator) is number ONE!…PERIOD! Without Creator, we are nothing and that’s the truth. It’s good to be grateful for the things that we have and the blessings that life gives us each day. Paying homage to the one that got us here is how we live our lives here in Wind River Country. Ceremony is a huge part of who we are! Creator is at the very center of that, the epicenter of the Medicine Wheel! Without Creator, we are nothing, and we wouldn’t be here to begin with. We acknowledge this.

We are OF the Earth, but She is not OURS! She was here long before any one of us was ever even thought of (by the way, here’s a fun fact; do you know what the first single celled organism on the planet was?…. A GERM!…So ponder on that if you feel a little too big for your britches.) It is our duty to take care of Her at all costs! There are all these big brains in the world trying to build a mothership to carry us to some far off planet so we can destroy it as well…Hate to break it to you, but we are on the Mothership! We have a very deep and resounding respect for our Mother Earth, and do what we can to ensure that She is here for all the generations to come… She belongs to our children’s, children’s, children…..NOT US!

#3-Respect Yourself

It is essential, that we have respect for ourselves! We cannot give away what we don’t have, so if we want to respect the people and things around us, we must respect ourselves. This is important to us here at Aboriginal Digital. Living as healthy as we possibly can and keeping our inner Medicine Wheel, The Sacred Four- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects—as balanced as we can! By doing so, we are able to be of maximum use to those that we love and serve. By not taking care of ourselves, we are of no use to anyone. This is why it is high on the list of what is valuable to us. We have the utmost respect for and understanding of others who share the same view. Self-respect means respect for others, and vice versa.

#4-Respect others!

Just as respecting ourselves is crucial, respecting others is another huge part of not only developing connections, but also fostering relationships for the long term. Life is not about all the things that we can build up or how much money we can make. That may be important, but the main thing to consider is how many people will be around the casket when it closes at the end of this journey. Wealth dies, friends die, and someday we will die, but the thing that will always be remembered is the judgment on how we have spent our lives! We believe in impacting people in a positive way. That Red Road, healing way! Family, is our biggest "why." All the hard work is for them. When we partner up with people, you become part of that Sacred Circle! And our respect for you is our honor.

Mother Earth in the sacred hoop with six colorful feathers
Mother Earth in the sacred hoop with six colorful feathers
Native American women taking time for herself to connect with nature near a stream
Native American women taking time for herself to connect with nature near a stream
Two Native American Chiefs shaking hands showing each other respect
Two Native American Chiefs shaking hands showing each other respect

Time is ticking! Punch That Number!

Call us!!


Years of business experience


Tools of the trade to get your business ranked


Industry leading strategies

Here's what our partners say

”I only had a handful of ideas and the team designed and produced the most spectacular website, one that I know customers will love for years to come.”

- Clarice T. -

”I have worked with the team on a number of client acquisitions. They always know the exact formula or strategies to implement and ensure every detail is in place.”

- Brian M. -

”Watching the team at work is mesmerizing. Their knowledge of the digital landscape is second to none, and I feel privileged to have their unique approach with my brand. ”

Joyce G. -

Pain is inevitable...

Suffering is optional!

Your Business doesn't have

To Suffer anymore!

Call Us!

the man....

Rob, The TAIMED SAVAGE, is our fearless leader. A proud Eastern Shoshone Tribal Member, he has more than 24 years of experience in various different fields, ranging from working in almost all the trades, a horizontal auger boring contractor in various municipalities across the mountain states, oil & gas, welding, heavy equipment operation, guiding fly fishing & whitewater trips, to facilitating Love & Logic parenting classes! Add a certified coach & consultant to his repertoire as well. The man has done it all. After a spinal cord injury in 2016 took him out of going into the wilderness like he loved, he jumped online to learn the ways of web design/development and SEO. Digital marketing had a huge appeal, so he spent a few years (and a whole lot of money!) dialing in the skills necessary to be the digital dynamo he is today. With a huge passion for communication, storytelling, and connection. There aren't many he doesn't love to build a relationship with and bring in as much "Love, peace, and fry bread grease" (as he often says) to the circle. Helping people is something that drives him; it is his purpose in life. He enjoys spending time with his children, having a deep cultural connection with his people, writing, reading, fly fishing, building systems, teams, conquering challenges, and making businesses look sexy on search engines. He isn't built like other men; this much is true! A man that anyone can get behind...INSPIRING!

Headshot of Aboriginal Digital CEO, Rob Herbst
Headshot of Aboriginal Digital CEO, Rob Herbst
Rob Herbst

the Myth...

the Wild Influence!

"As for me, I have my Young

Warriors About me...

We Will Hold Our Land!"

- Chief Dragging Canoe -

Have any questions in mind?

Don’t waste a SECOND! Get in touch with us TODAY!


Of course you do!
Native American chief facing forward wearing a headdress
Native American chief facing forward wearing a headdress
Native American chief painted in watercolor wearing a headdress facing to the right
Native American chief painted in watercolor wearing a headdress facing to the right

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